This beamsplitter, offered by Edmund Optics, is a 12.5 x 17.5 mm N-BK7 plate with a thickness of 3mm. It is designed to split incoming light beams at a 70:30 ratio, with 70% of the light being reflected and 30% transmitted. The beamsplitter is specifically designed for the visible light spectrum, spanning from 400 to 700nm.
The beamsplitter's coating, EDM 48-394, is applied to the front surface. This coating enhances the beamsplitter's performance within its specified wavelength range. The beamsplitter is rectangular in shape, a common design for precision optical components due to its ease of alignment and integration into optical systems.
This beamsplitter is a thin lens, which means it has a very short focal length compared to its diameter. This makes it ideal for use in compact optical systems where space is at a premium. The beamsplitter's physical data indicates a reflection of 0.7 (70%) and a transmission of 0.3 (30%), aligning with its designed ratio.
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