The LM01-659-25 is a 25 mm diameter, thin beam splitter designed for use with 659nm lasers. This beamsplitter is manufactured by Semrock, a leading vendor in the optical industry, and is available for purchase on their website. The product link and current stock status can be found in the item data.
This beamsplitter is specifically designed for use with Semrock's LaserMUX technology, which allows for the efficient multiplexing and demultiplexing of laser signals. The single-edge design ensures precise beam splitting, while the thin lens shape allows for easy integration into optical systems.
The beamsplitter's coating, identified as 'sem lm01-659', is applied to the front surface. This coating is specifically designed to work with 659nm lasers, ensuring optimal performance and minimal signal loss.
The beamsplitter's material ID, 'uvfs mal- 1965', provides additional information about its composition and manufacturing process. This information can be useful for users who need to consider material properties when designing their optical systems.