The 580NM NOTCH is a rectangular Notch Filter, measuring 48 mm in width and 52 mm in height, with a thickness of 1 mm. This filter is sourced from the reputable vendor, Omega Optical, and boasts a catalog number of 580NM NOTCH. The item's current status is in stock, and users can find more information about it on the vendor's website via the provided weblink (
The filter's primary function is to reject a narrow band of wavelengths while transmitting others, making it ideal for applications requiring precise wavelength selection. The 580NM NOTCH filter features a center wavelength of 588 nm, further enhancing its wavelength rejection capabilities.
The filter's surface coating is another notable feature. Both the front and back surfaces are coated with the OME 580NOTCHSCAN3335 coating, providing excellent optical performance and durability. This coating ensures high transmission and low reflection, making the filter suitable for various applications in photonics, spectroscopy, and imaging.
The filter's shape is defined as a Thin Lens, indicating its potential use in optical systems where a lens-like element is required. This feature adds versatility to the filter, making it a valuable component in various optical applications.