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Optics Mount
Kinematic Optic Mount
Product webpage
Thorlabs products in the 3DOptix catalog


Type of Optics
Type of Movement
Tip-Tilt (3-Hex)
Key Feature
Low Distortion
Inner Diameter
8.13 mm
Lock Nuts
Adjuster Screw Thread
100 tpi
Angular Range
4 deg
Adjustment per Revolution
7.7 mm
Pointing Stability
5 mrad


Stainless Steel

Polaris Low Distortion Ø1” Mirror Mount with 3 Adjusters from Thorlabs

The Polaris Low Distortion Ø1” Mirror Mount, model POLARIS-K1F, is a high-quality optics mount manufactured by Thorlabs, a renowned brand in the field of optical components. This kinematic optic mount is designed to securely hold mirrors with a diameter of up to 25.4 mm, providing low distortion for optimal optical performance.

The mount is made of stainless steel, ensuring durability and resistance to corrosion. It features a circular optics diameter size, with a maximum diameter of 25.4 mm and a clear aperture diameter of 17.145 mm. The optic thickness can range from 3.8099999999999996 to 8.128 mm.

The POLARIS-K1F mount offers a type of movement known as Tip-Tilt (3-Hex), providing three adjusters for precise alignment. Each adjuster has a thread of 3/16in and a screw thread of 100, offering a fine tilt angular range of 4 degrees. The adjustment per revolution is 7.7, and the pointing stability is 5.

The mount is compatible with 8-32 post mounting screws and is vacuum compatible, maintaining a torr of 1e-09. It is available in both metric and imperial versions. The mount does not include lock nuts.

For convenience, Thorlabs provides a step file, POLARIS-K1F-Step, for this product. The mount is currently in stock, and more information, including pricing and availability, can be found on the Thorlabs website using the catalog number POLARIS-K1F.

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